Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Work Done In February

Hazel, Rowan, Raspberries , Comfrey, Apple tree and Elder donated.

This Sunday, Valentines Day, we managed to cardboard mulch a large area. This will kill off the couch grass within about a month to 6weeks and hopefully suppress the Ivy and Brambles to some extent too. This picture shows where the mulch has been laid; the beds will be built on top of this mulch, which will rot down over time improving the soil structure below.

The area contaminated with creosote has also been mulched and we have planted the foundations of a willow arbour through it. Some Raspberry canes, Comfrey, Rowan and Apples were also brought and will be planted soon.
This weekend we will be discussing making cold frames soon and the planting; making a rough survey of the area and planning the garden on A1 paper. We can also see about doing some more cardboard mulching if needed. One of the most important things to do though will be to collect and work out how to store as much organic matter as possible from around the farm. This will include fallen leaves from the woods.

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