Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Work Done, April 11th

It was a beautiful day and a good few of us managed to get together to finish the cold frames and do some planning. The cold frames still need to be sowed in but hopefully any potential mouse problems have been delt with by using clay to stop up the gaps in the bricks...hopefully it wont all crumble out when it drys! If it does we will also be using spikey gorse twigs to deter mice.

It was great to finalise initial plans for the main construction of the garden too and a basic construction plan has been drawn up and put here and on the forum, so please feel free to print it off and scribble some ideas on it. The main issue will be getting enough soil together for the beds. The fruit tree area at the back will be cleared over the summer and autumn so we can look forward to planting in winter.

We will next be meeting on Saturday, 17th with the foraging group from 11am. In between foraging we can do some sowing in the cold frame; moving the low willow fence about 1m closer to the garden boundary and working on the terrace.

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